Celestin Apprentice 4
MacQForth 1.0
Assembly and QForth
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Assembly and QForth
All of the traps provided as extensions to QForth can be used from
assembly language as well. However, several of them insist that their
parameters be on the QForth stack at call time and several return
their results to the QForth stack. This little file details how to
use the QForth stack from within an assembly language program.
1. QForth stack structure and important locations
2. Traps which use the QForth stack
3. Programming examples
The QForth Stack
QForth maintains a one page stack of 16-bit numbers from $AA00-$AAFF,
starting at $AAFF and growing downward. The current stack pointer,
which points to the location for the next item pushed on the stack, is
in $EE. The current stack depth is stored in location $F4. Of interest
to assembly language programmers are the two QForth subroutines PUSHDATA
and POPDATA which can be used to push and pop values from the QForth data
Name Location Registers used
PUSHDATA $20B2 Y (low), X (high) -> stack, A altered
POPDATA $20CA stack -> Y (low), X (high), A altered
Other useful QForth words are:
DUP $3519 ( n -- n n )
DROP $3531 ( n -- ) ( really the same as POPDATA )
SWAP $353B ( n m -- m n )
OVER $355E ( n m -- n m n )
ROT $3583 ( i j k -- j k i )
Note: these subroutines alter A, X, and Y.
Traps that use the QForth stack
The following traps use the QForth stack for passing data:
Name Trap location Use
Color $FFC0 ( n -- ) Expects new drawing color on stack
LineTo $FFB0 ( x y -- ) Line from current pen to x,y on stack
MoveTo $FFA0 ( x y -- ) Set pen to x,y on stack
Plot $FFD0 ( x y -- ) Plot a point at x,y
Mouse $FFE0 ( -- x y b ) Puts mouse position x,y on stack with
button status= 0 (up), FFFF (-1) (down)
CH $3A9A ( n -- ) New horizontal position on stack
CV $3A8C ( n -- ) New vertical position on stack
Random2 $FF92 ( n -- n' ) N on stack, returns n' = 0..n-1 on stack
Where ( before -- after ) is the usual Forth convention for indicating
stack values before and after calling a word.
Programming Examples
The following examples are also in the DEMO folder as DEMO1.S,
DEMO2.S, and DEMO3.S. Assemble them with the command line:
asm6502 -o :demo:demo1.s
, etc.
1. Plotting a line
PUSH = $20B2 ; QForth stack equates
POP = $20CA
MOVETO = $FFA0 ; MoveTo
LINETO = $FFB0 ; LineTo
*= $0300 ; start here
ldy #$0a ; plot from 10,10 to 200,200
ldx #$00
jsr PUSH
ldy #$0a
ldx #$00
jsr PUSH ; push two 10s on the stack ( x y -- )
jsr MOVETO ; set drawing pen
ldy #$c8
ldx #$00
jsr PUSH
ldy #$c8
ldx #$00
jsr PUSH ; push two 200s on the stack ( x y -- )
jsr LINETO ; draw the line
2. Waiting for the mouse button to be pressed
DROP = $3531 ; could use POPDATA here as well
BUTTON = $3FF ; hold low part of button status
*= $0300
LOOP jsr MOUSE ; get the mouse
jsr DROP ; DROP = POPDATA, so data is in Y (lo) and X (hi)
sty BUTTON ; save low byte of button status
jsr DROP ; remove mouse location data
jsr DROP
cmp #$FF ; is it FF, low part of FFFF = -1, button down?
bne LOOP ; no. keep waiting
rts ; yes. all done
3. Print 20 random numbers from 0..100
PUSH = $20B2 ; QForth stack equates
POP = $20CA
RND2 = $FF92 ; random number off stack
HOUT = $FDDA ; output A as a hex number
COUT = $FDED ; output A as a character
COUNT = $3FF ; count in here
*= $0300
lda #$14 ; setup count
LOOP ldy #$64 ; 100 in Y and X
ldx #$00
jsr PUSH ; ( 100 -- )
jsr RND2 ; ( -- 0..100 )
jsr POP ; in Y and X
tya ; n' -> A
jsr HOUT ; print it
lda #$0D ; carriage return
jsr COUT
dec COUNT ; count <- count - 1
bne LOOP ; not done
rts ; done